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What Are Aids To Trade-In Commerce? Meaning & List

What Are Aids To Trade-In Commerce? Trade or the exchange of products includes several obstacles, which are alleviated by auxiliaries or extra supports called Aids to Trade. This post will discuss some critical examples of aids to trade and their significance, plus the advantages and disadvantages of trade. But before we get into the nitty-gritty, … Read more

The Processes of Communication & 7 Major Elements of Communication Process

Processes of Communication Communication is vital for our day-to-day activities. However, communication is still a challenge to many.  And that’s why you must understand the basics of communication—from the processes to how you should communicate with others. This post will define the communication process, what it entails and how you can communicate successfully. Let’s dive … Read more

What is Communication Feedback? 21 Examples of Feedback in Communication

What Is Communication Feedback? Communication is the process of sending a message to a receiver with the goal of getting back feedback. On the other hand, feedback is a reply or response of the recipient to the conveyer of the message.  Feedback is the final stage of communication, and it’s also the essential part—without it, … Read more

6 Basic Elements of the Communication Process

The Communication Process Communication is vital for our day-to-day activities. However, communication is still a challenge to many.  And that’s why you must understand the basics of communication—from the processes to how you should communicate with others. This post will define the communication process, what it entails and how you can communicate successfully. Let’s dive … Read more

10 Major Reasons: Why Students Need to Study Marketing

10 Major Reasons: Why Students Need to Study Marketing A marketing degree opens your doors to productive careers as a marketing manager, public relations specialist, or account executive. But not everyone wants and not everyone should get a degree in marketing. That doesn’t neglect the fact that every single student needs some knowledge in the … Read more

Business Process Management and its key Capabilities

Business Process Management and its key Capabilities Businesses usually are set up to make a profit. If a company cannot generate enough revenue, then it may likely not survive for long. Hence there is a need to eliminate errors in the business place that could cause the company great loss. Organizations need to implement effective … Read more

8 Strategies to Improve Communication Skills

How to Improve Your Communication Skills? Communication is one of the soft skills that improve the chances of building a strong career, success in any business, and helps in developing good relationships with people of different backgrounds and experts. Having poor communication skills can create conflict in a number of ways: It can harm an … Read more

What is Crisis and Different Types of Crisis

What is Crisis? I owe him 2 million dollars and I only have 1 million dollars in my bank. No one will advance me any money and I need to pay him tomorrow. I don’t have the rest of the money in my hands but I do have something else. I have a crisis. Everyone … Read more

Principles and Importance of Organizing Function of Management

What is Organizing Function of Management? Ask any businessman and he would tell you that business is not a result of on the spot decisions and perfect awe striking ideas that come out of nowhere to take the newly emerged tycoon to success. That’s something movies show you and make you believe in. Frankly, businesses … Read more

Public Relations and Publicity

Public Relations and Publicity What are Public Relations? Public relations is the management of relationships and communication to establish goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its public. Public relations is more wide ranging than marketing which primarily focuses on markets, distribution channels and customers. Marketers primarily focus on customers and distributors but needs … Read more

Conflict Management

Conflict Management Except in very few situations where the conflict can lead to competition and creativity so that in such situations the conflict can be encouraged, in all other cases where conflict is destructive in nature, it should be resolved as soon as it has developed and all efforts should be made to know the … Read more

Methods For Teaching Reading

Methods For Teaching Reading After one is aware of the purpose and process of reading, one has to decide on the style that needs to be applied to best suit the purpose and the reading material. The approach to reading style determines the basic question-‘How to read?’. There Are Two Approaches to Reading: 1. Fast … Read more

Barriers to Communication

Barriers to Communication Communication is a process that covers six different steps involving among others, encoding, decoding and transmission. For ensuring effective communication, all the parties and instruments will have to play their part as envisaged. At every stage of the communication process, however, there are barriers, which hinder or dilute the flow of communication. … Read more

Barriers to Effective Listening

Barriers to Effective Listening Humans are creatures of habit and the habits you have created over time determine your success. Old habits are difficult to break but through habit formation, you can build new behaviors, despite the difficulty encountered while trying to form them. Common Barriers to Listening The factors which act as impediments to … Read more

What is Communication? Characteristics and Classification of Communication

What is Communication? Effective communication is central to the success of any business organization. Communication is a pervasive activity which encompasses almost all facets of our lives. Much of our life is spent communicating with each other, be it at our workplace or in our family life. The term communication is derived from the Latin … Read more