How to Get Homeschooled?
Are you or have you just become a mother, and have you choose the option of homeschooling? Would you like to know the reasons and motives for homeschooling your children?
Have you heard about the possibility of children learning and being educated without going to school?
Have you heard the term Homeschooling or Unschooling? Are you interested in learning about these methods?
Have you considered taking your children out of school, but have many doubts?
If you have asked yourself any of these questions, I invite you to read this article. I’ll tell you how I decided to homeschool and 10 of the main reasons I chose to homeschool.
Before we get to the reasons, let’s start by understanding the concepts.
The reasons why parents choose homeschooling vary widely. Some parents choose homeschooling for religious reasons and others because they are unhappy with the public and private school options. Regardless of the reason, parents can home school their children as long as they comply with the applicable laws.
State Requirements
Each state has its legal requirements for parents who choose to educate their children at home. Approximately ten states do not require notification or other documentation from parents to district schools about their decision to homeschool.
About 14 other states require parents who wish to homeschool their children to notify their local district school of their intention to do so. If state child protective services begin to question your child’s education, you should have documentation of your efforts to educate your child at home.
Children With Special Needs
Parents of children with special educational needs may choose to educate their children at home. Although there are no additional requirements imposed on these families, it is advisable to document your child’s progress.
Is It Easy to Be Best Homeschooled?
Although there is no official data, it is estimated that between 2,000 and 4,000 children are being educated at home in India. The reasons that lead parents to decide to de-school their children are very varied. Still, in general, these families consider that the conventional system does not respond to their needs. Hence, they decide to embark on the challenging but exciting adventure of assuming the integral education of their children.
Many studies have been made on homeschooling. Contrary to what one may think when hearing about it for the first time, families who make this decision do not usually do so for religious reasons or belong to extremist or partisan ideologies. They are ordinary people, often with higher education, who seek to offer their children an educational environment different from that provided by popular culture.
Many people wonder whether it might not be detrimental for children to be isolated, to not interact so often with others, and to have to manage on their own without their parents’ presence, as is the case in formal schools. “When a boy or girl goes to an educational Centre, they live with the social reality that they have in their village or neighborhood.”
Another criticism of this teaching system is that children grow up influenced almost exclusively by their parents’ beliefs and convictions. However, this system allows the transmission of values that are not always possible in traditional educational environments.
There is also a risk of overprotection, and that some parents may try to make their children ‘hostages’ to their convictions and their vision of the world. While in many countries such as Belgium or Austria, homeschooling is legal; in others such as Germany and Sweden, it is illegal. In India, there is no specific regulation on this matter.
What do Homeschoolers Do Everyday?
Mostly with wide diversity that is found in the homeschool community, it’s easy to see why a “typical” home school day is hard to label any day. There are as many options to get homeschool and as many ways to meet the aspirations of the day that homeschooling families are available. Here is a list of activities that goes on daily in the life of a homeschooler;
- Although some children tend to get their most daunting things out of the way first thing in the morning, some find it overwhelming first thing in the morning to immerse themselves in complicated subjects.
- Given that homeschoolers don’t have to run to the school bus, it’s not uncommon for homeschooling families to make their mornings as quiet as possible, starting with a family reading aloud, cleaning, or other low profile activities.
- Homeschoolers will make the most of their productive hours by arranging their hardest subjects or most of the tasks involved during those times.
- Many homeschooling parents make use of quiet time as a chance to interact independently with a child while others are occupied with themselves.
- Many homeschoolers often want to meet with other people, whether it’s for cooperation courses or recreational activities.
How Many Hours A Day Is Required For Homeschooling?
With schools, offices, and businesses closing in response to the new coronavirus contingency (COVID-19), many parents, teachers, and students are trying to adapt to the new “routine” and challenges of online learning.
In this situation, parents and teachers must stay in constant communication and find the best way for them to continue learning from home. Students don’t need to spend eight hours in “school.”
Although maintaining a routine and consistency is advisable, various factors such as the possibility of having access to the necessary technology, busy parents working from home, sick relatives, and other numerous circumstances, trying to implement a traditional school schedule virtually may be impossible.
Both parents and students should “unlearn” in this era because a virtual program is not the same as a traditional one. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the pace of distance learning is different, since the structure of a typical day is very different than when you are at home and even more so when, faced with the contingency, all family members have to live together 24 hours a day at home.
At school, children and adolescents have a structured schedule: recess time, “lost” time spent walking through the school corridors from one classroom to another, talking with their peers, or other situations that do not happen in a virtual school program. So how much time should students spend studying at home?
Psychiatrist Colette Poole-Boykin advises that to know how much time a child should spend focused on a task, you must multiply the child’s age by 2 to 5 minutes, and the result is the amount of time they can stay focused. Using this rule, Dr. Poole-Boykin suggests that elementary students should learn one to two hours a day, middle school students two to three hours, and high school students three to four hours a day.
What Time Do Homeschoolers Wake?
It is always important to consider when children should go to bed, depending on their age. Sleep is fundamental for the excellent development of children. A bad rest has an impact on their mood, making them more irritable and harmful to their health, since many studies link sleep deficits with a higher predisposition to disease and disorders, such as hyperactivity.
“Not all children need the same amount of sleep. It depends on many factors. One of them, of course, is age. Thus, while an 18-month-old baby needs about 14 hours of sleep, a 10-year-old child only needs 9 hours of sleep.
Therefore, according to the children’s different ages, an estimated guide of recommended sleeping hours has been elaborated.
- From 0 to 6 months: Between 16 and 20 hours throughout the day.
- From 6 to 12 months: 3 hours during the day and 12 hours at night.
- From 1 to 3 years old: Between 11 and 13 hours at night, a nap is optional.
- From 3 to 5 years: Between 10 and 12 hours.
- From 6 to 9 years old: About 10 hours.
“It is important to note that no child under the age of 9 should sleep less than 10 hours.
From there, we can calculate the best time for them to go to bed, depending on what time the child should get up the next day.
Most children have to wake up between 7 and 8 in the morning, depending on how close they are to school and how long it takes them to get ready.
Below, you will find the appropriate schedule in which, depending on the child’s age, you will find out what is the perfect time for your child to go to bed:
- Five Years Old
At this age, the child starts the first stage of school. Therefore, if he gets up very early, at 6 a.m., he must go to bed at 6.45 p.m. Although it seems impossible because it is so soon, this is the only way to ensure that he gets the sleep he should. If you get up later, at 8 o’clock, it will be enough to go to bed at 8.30 p.m.
- Six Years
At six years old, he needs 15 minutes less sleep. If your child gets up at 7.30 a.m. to go to school, he can go to bed at 8.30 p.m.
- Seven years Old
At seven, your child needs almost 11 hours of sleep to perform well in school. Try to get him to sleep more than 10 hours.
- Eight Years
According to experts, at this age, children can sleep ten and a half hours. If your eight-year-old has to get up very early for school (say, 6:30 a.m.), he or she will have to go to bed at 8 p.m.
- Nine Years Old
From this age onwards, children need fewer hours of sleep. Even so, it is still recommended that they get at least 10 hours of sleep.
- Ten Years
If your 10-year-old gets up at 7 a.m. to go to school, he should go to bed at 9 p.m.
- Eleven & Twelve Years Old
Now, your child no longer needs to get those 10 hours of sleep. But they do need to sleep more than 8 hours. Maybe 9 hours of sleep will be enough.
However, it is not the same for a child who stays home the next day, and if he has slept late nothing happens, at most, he takes a long nap to recover, than one who has to get up to go to the nursery and will have a bad day if he has slept little.
The most sensible thing is to observe the child estimate the hours of sleep he needs to get each night. If it is difficult for him to get up in the morning, we must bring forward the time he has to go to bed, but if he wakes up before he has had enough rest, it will not be a problem for him to go back to bed at night.
Are Homeschoolers Smarter Than Other Students?
It is neither for an elite, nor for anti-systems, nor for an extravagance that becomes fashionable, nor for parents who are very “pages” or very religious or go beyond everything… While thousands of children start the school year in the classrooms these days, others, the least, do it at home. This is known as “homeschooling,” a minority movement in Spain gaining strength.
The excellent academic results obtained by these children is the main argument that families use to defend a practice that is not regulated in our country, as Portugal, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and the United States have done.
“At Harvard University, they raffle off the kids who have been homeschooled,” says Irene Briones – professor of ecclesiastical law and researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid. She organized the last conference on homeschooling held in Spain last year. “We don’t ask so much for a high average grade,” she explains.
It is more important than the student who has skills and abilities. And the “homeschoolers” have mental agility, high treatment capacity, independent and autonomous people, and less afraid of life. Every year many American universities reserve places for homeschoolers. They want more mature and responsible young people.