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Different Approaches to Negotiation

Approaches to Negotiation There are four different approaches to negotiation and the outcome of the negotiation depends on the approach. The various approaches to negotiation are as follows: Distributive Negotiation or Win-Lose Approach This is also called competitive, zero sum, or claiming value approach. This approach is based on the premise that one person can … Read more

What is Negotiation and Factors Influencing Negotiations

What is Negotiation? In our daily life, we come across various instances of negotiations. A prospective employee may negotiate with his employer over his salary, a consumer may negotiate the price of the product with the salesman, and the management may negotiate with the workers union over work-related issues. It is through negotiation that parties … Read more

Conflict Management

Conflict Management Except in very few situations where the conflict can lead to competition and creativity so that in such situations the conflict can be encouraged, in all other cases where conflict is destructive in nature, it should be resolved as soon as it has developed and all efforts should be made to know the … Read more

Causes of Conflict in an Organization

Causes of Conflict in an Organization The causes of conflict fall into three distinct categories. Accordingly, these causes can be restructured and placed into one of these categories. These categories deal with communicational, behavioral and structural aspects. Managers must understand the type of conflict situations so that they spend less time while dealing with them. … Read more

Types of Conflict Situations

Types of Conflict Situations Since conflict has both positive and negative connotations and consequences, it must be looked into and managed for useful purposes. The management must survey the situation to decide whether to stimulate conflict or to resolve it. Thomas and Schmidt have reported that managers spend up to twenty percent of their time … Read more

What is Negotiation and Strategies of Negotiation

What is Negotiation? Negotiation is the process of making joint decisions when the parties involved in negotiation have different and opposing preferences. Negotiation has special significance in situations of conflict, whether it is conflict between union and management in organizations or between countries such as China and Japan where negotiations may be required to resolve … Read more

5 Steps of Process of Writing

Writing Process The writing process consists of 5 steps:   Planning   Drafting   Revising   Formatting   Proof Reading The amount of time devoted to each step depends on the type of document to be generated, that is, its length, complexity and requirement. Essay writers generally adapt the various steps of the writing process … Read more

Purpose and Process of Reading

Purpose and Process of Reading Before actually beginning to read, it is important to know the purpose of reading, that is, why the reading is being done. Knowing the purpose greatly enhances the effectiveness of the reading. Also, knowledge of the purpose can help one adopt a style of reading best suited for the purpose. … Read more

Methods For Teaching Reading

Methods For Teaching Reading After one is aware of the purpose and process of reading, one has to decide on the style that needs to be applied to best suit the purpose and the reading material. The approach to reading style determines the basic question-‘How to read?’. There Are Two Approaches to Reading: 1. Fast … Read more

Types of Organizational Structures

Types of Organizational Structures An organizational structure defines how jobs and tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. The type of organizational structure would depend upon the type of organization itself and its philosophy of operations. Basically, the structure can be mechanistic or organic in nature or a combination of thereof. However, most organizational structures … Read more

Factors Affecting Decision-Making

Factors Affecting Decision-Making Some of the factors and personal characteristics that have an impact on the decision-makers are described below. Some factors are more important at higher levels of management and others are more important at lower levels. Programmed versus Non-programmed Decisions Programmed decisions are made in predictable circumstances and managers have clear parameters and … Read more

Span of Management

Span of Management or Span of Control Span of management, also known as ‘span of control’, refers to the number of people a manager directly manages. In a wider span of control, a manager has many subordinates who report to him. In a narrow span of control, a manger has fewer subordinates under him. In … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy Max Weber, a German social scientist, analyzed the formation and administration of enterprises. The main features of this approach are as follows: 1. Division of Work: There is division of work on basis of specialization of jobs in bureaucratic organizations. Each employee performs his specialized work in a predictable manner. 2. Rules and Regulations: … Read more

Guidelines for Effective Organization

Guidelines for Effective Organization There are some established guidelines that are common to all organizations that are structured in a classical form. The classical form means a bureaucratic structure where there is a hierarchy of power and responsibility and the directions primarily flow from the top management to the lower levels of workers through its … Read more

Centralization and Decentralization

Centralization and Decentralization Considerable debate has taken place over the years over the issue of ‘centralization’ that means that the authority for most decisions is concentrated at the top of the managerial hierarchy versus ‘decentralization’ that requires such authority to be dispersed by extension and delegation throughout all levels of management. There are advantages as … Read more