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Financial Management – Meaning, Objectives and Functions

Financial Management – Meaning, Objectives, and Functions Financial Management is a critical topic in business. The reason is that a company cannot function without the proper use of funds. It might even suffer stunted growth. To understand and apply the right management practices in the handling and use of funds, one has to know how … Read more

Characteristics of Planning

Characteristics of Planning Planning unlike the other functions of management is more of an intellectual process. All other processes draw their intellectual backing or logical backing from the plans formulated. Planning is a process that has to necessarily adapt to changing times. Plans are formulated by taking to factors of change and may require the … Read more

What are Different Sales Forecasting Techniques or Approaches to Forecasting?

Different Sales Forecasting Techniques/Approaches The approaches to forecasting include the causal and non-causal approaches. In the causal approach, the business has no control over the causal variables in society. These variables include gross national product, population, and general economic conditions. However, a business does exercise some control over its prices, advertising, production lines, and the … Read more